Fashion to follow: 15 top twitter feeds
From Clutch Magazine - SLIDESHOW - If there is any industry that has dominated Twitter's public timeline, it is the world of fashion. Clutch's Fashion Contributors offer the top 15 to follow...

From Geneva S.Thomas & Nicole Miles, Clutch Magazine:
SLIDESHOW – If there is any industry that has dominated Twitter’s public timeline, it is the world of fashion. Industry insiders from designers to bloggers are tweeting celebrity looks, the latest runway shows and the next Barney’s sample sale. Without question, Twitter fashion is an explosive exchange of breaking news, who’s following who and what they wore. Based on influence, information shared and frequency of tweeting, Clutch’s Fashion Contributors, Nicole Miles and Geneva S. Thomas offers the top 15 to follow.
Boxing Kitten
Featuring African textiles in 50’s silhouettes, Maya Lake’s “ethnic rockability” burst on the scene in Fall 2009. Tweeting about her latest looks, sizes available and a search for interns, you can find Boxing Kitten worn by Alicia Keys and Beyonce in the upcoming “Put It In a Love Song” video.
Follow Boxing Kitten here:
Kenya Hunt
If you’re outside of New York, you may not recognize the face or name but Kenya Hunt’s reach is beyond the Big Apple. As the global fashion editor of the UK’s Metro newspaper, Hunt’s insider’s perspective is invaluable. If you want the front row deets on London Fashion Week, Kenya is the woman to follow.
Follow Kenya Hunt here:
June Ambrose
With over 40,000 followers, Celebrity Stylist, June Ambrose is notorious for her twitpics and “chai tea spills” (e.g., fashion gossip). Carrying Twitter along to photo shoots and “daily spirals,” be inspired by her street style poses and the day in the life of a style architect.
Follow June Ambrose here:
Kathryn Finney
A style contributor to the Today Show, CNN Headlines News and E! News, Finney is most known for her Amazon best-selling book, How to Be a Budget Fashionista: The Ultimate Guide to Looking Fabulous for Less. Now penning The Budget Fashionista blog, Finney tweets on “Budget Style Picks” for both petite and plus-size women.
Follow Kathryn Finney here:
Najwa Moses
An on-air correspondent for an array of news sources and brands, Moses prides herself for being on “the left of fashion.” Her blog at has been a go-to for funky and eclectic fashion finds and events. You can also find Moses blogging for Bluefly at Tweeting her blog posts and “what’s with the watermelon-toned suit?” Moses’ candid and insightful updates will keep you coming for more.
Follow Najwa Moses here:
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