Kenya throws down on Tea Partiers: We got your 'real tea party' right here!

From Talking Points Memo:

It’s an invitation that would make a Tea Partier’s head explode — and confirm all the worst fears of the Birthers.

The Kenyan government is taking on the Tea Partiers head on — hosting a “Real Tea Party” in the Capitol next Tuesday to promote the country’s status as the world’s number one exporter of tea. And they are explicitly contrasting it with the other tea parties that have been held of late on the Hill.

“The Government of Kenya, the world’s #1 tea exporter, cordially invites you to a proper Kenyan Tea Party on Capitol Hill (one without a political agenda),” the invitation boasts. (Click link to see the invitation.) “Please join Kenyan Deputy Prime Minister, the Honorable Uhuru Kenyatta, at Kenya’s tea tasting event, complete with food pairings and tea leaf readings.”

TPM confirmed the event with the Kenyan Embassy.

Click here to read the rest of this story.

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