Angry dad pulls gun on Little League coach in parking lot
VIDEO - A Tennessee dad points loaded gun at his son's baseball coach after being asked to stop cursing...

The case against a Tennessee man accused of pulling a gun on his son’s baseball coach is now headed to a grand jury.
Nicholis Williams bonded out of a Bartlett jail Friday after turning himself in to police late Thursday night.
“All we have to say is, he did what was right,” said one of Williams’ supporters as they left the jail.
Williams was released on $20,000 bond after investigators say the 29-year-old pulled a loaded pistol on his son’s baseball coach.
Police say the incident happened Saturday afternoon at the fields behind Shadowlawn Middle school.
According to investigators, when Williams started using profanity and was asked to leave the game, he complied and went to the parking lot.
A police report says the coach of the team, Joseph Powell, went over to Williams and calmly asked him not to use profanity in front of the kids.
It was then that Powell said Williams told him to “Shut the (expletive) up.”
Williams then pulled his firearm out from under the floor mat of his vehicle, put a bullet in the chamber, and pointed it in Powell’s face.
Powell said he grabbed Williams’ arm and pulled it over the car door, causing Williams to drop the gun.
Powell said he took Williams to the ground to keep him away from the gun.
According to police, several witnesses who saw Powell and Williams arguing say Williams told Powell to get away from his car.
Witnesses also claim that after Williams pointed the gun, Powell began choking Williams.
It took several people to break up the fight.
At least four men held Powell down while Williams left the scene.