Student Kanye follows on Twitter is not a big fan
Kanye West, who took Twitter by grammatically-deficient storm last week, elected to follow a sole individual, 19-year-old Steve Holmes (@ste_101) of Coventry, England...
From Popeater:
Kanye West, who took Twitter by grammatically-deficient storm last week, elected to follow a sole individual, 19-year-old Steve Holmes (@ste_101) of Coventry, England. “I just commented on something on Kanye West’s account and next thing I know he’s following me,” Holmes told the Coventry Telegraph. “I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ But about 20 seconds later I had 20 messages from people I didn’t even know and my phone wouldn’t stop bleeping.”
Steve’s followers shot from 60 to more than 1,000 in an hour. Now, he’s sporting almost 5,000. But it’s been strange, he says.
“A guy wanted me to look at his film trailer and people have been sending me links to their music demos — as if I have some sort of influence over Kanye West. The funny thing is I like his music but I’m not his biggest fan,” Steve said.
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