SC inmate suffers broken leg from police beating
VIDEO - For two and-a-half minutes, Charles Shelley was on the receiving end of a steel police baton...inside the Kershaw County detention center...

A South Carolina deputy officer is off the job today after video of him beating an inmate surfaced.
For two and-a-half minutes, Charles Shelley was on the receiving end of a steel police baton…inside the Kershaw County detention center.
A jail house video captured Kershaw County Sergeant Oddie Tribble hit Shelley 27 times, as the man steps out of a prisoner transport van.
The beating broke Shelley’s right leg, and it took several stitches to close a gash in the other.
“He said you get out of the van and when I stepped out the van and took two steps walking toward the door, he just started swinging at me with the baton…the man beat me, I fell on the ground and he continued to beat me,” Shelley told reporters.
Sergeant Tribble reported that Shelley threatened his and his family’s lives, on the ride to the jail.
The sergeant reported that Shelley jerked away from him twice, before he used force to get control of the inmate.
But the video shows Sergeant Tribble help Charles Shelley to his feet, and then slam his face against the prison van.
Sergeant Tribble helped Shelley into the van, and took him to the hospital.
State law enforcement and the FBI are investigating the incident to decide whether to charge the deputy with federal civil rights violations.