The HBCU Homecoming experience
SLIDESHOW - From the talented marching bands, campus step shows, to seeing your favorite music artists perform on 'the yard'; an HBCU homecoming is like none other...

Homecoming is one of the cornerstones of the historically black college experience. We gather to watch the talented marching bands, campus step shows, and even seeing our favorite musicians perform on “the yard” — making an HBCU homecoming like none other. If your still in undergrad or have been out of school for a few years starting a family there is an activity to enjoy for everyone. We at theGrio have gathered pictures that best represent the quintessential homecoming experience from all over the country. From the Black Mecca that is Howard University, to the home of the famous Marching 100 band of Florida A&M University, check out theGrio’s HBCU homecoming slideshow. Welcome home.
All photos are user submitted
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