DA says O.J. Simpson case doesn't merit rehearing
LAS VEGAS (AP) - The court in October upheld Simpson's 2008 conviction stemming from a gunpoint robbery in a Las Vegas hotel room....

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Prosecutors are urging the Nevada Supreme Court to deny O.J. Simpson a rehearing of the appeal of the former football star’s armed robbery and kidnapping conviction.
Clark County District Attorney David Roger said in a filing Monday that the court should deny the request because Simpson had a fair and legal trial.
The Nevada Supreme Court asked prosecutors last month to respond to a request from Simpson’s lawyers for a rehearing of an appeal.
The court in October upheld Simpson’s 2008 conviction stemming from a gunpoint robbery in a Las Vegas hotel room.
Simpson’s lawyers claim Simpson lacked the necessary intent to commit a crime, that the last two black prospective jurors were dismissed without proper cause, and that jurors weren’t completely screened for bias.
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