Woman files lawsuit, says bad credit cost her a job
VIDEO - Loudy Appolon, a Florida woman is suing the University of Miami for firing her before she could begin the job because of her bad credit report...

The struggling economy has left many Americans saddled with bad credit reports, the same reports could also leave them unemployed.
Loudy Appolon, a Florida woman is suing the University of Miami for firing her before she could begin her job because of a bad credit report that includes a default on her student loans and a car repossession.
“It was devastating, I could not believe that they had did that because I just actually quit my other job in the impression that I was going to get this job. and I wa us told not to bother coming in,” Loudy said.
Her lawyer, Sam Miller said that the University of Miami used a credit report that had nothing to do with her ability to do the job and her trustworthiness.
Appolon wasn’t able to get her old job back but after four months of being unemployed, she was landed a new job.