Ted Williams says domestic argument got out of control

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police say they received a disturbance report after Williams and his daughter got into a heated argument Monday at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa...

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The homeless man whose deep, rich voice has made him an Internet sensation, tells “Entertainment Tonight” that an argument with his daughter was a family gathering that got out of control.

Ted Williams is in Hollywood for appearances on “Dr. Phil” and “Entertainment Tonight.” But police say they received a disturbance report after Williams and his daughter got into a heated argument Monday at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa.

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Police describe the incident as “minor” and “there were no signs of visible abuse.” Los Angeles police Officer Catherine Massey says the two “were brought in, calmed down, talked to and released.”

Janey (juh-NAY’) Williams told the program she was angry because her father, who is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, had resumed drinking.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

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