Job hunter sends out resumes in balloons
VIDEO - Elangwe said she sends out 100 resumes a week to jobs she's qualified for -- positions in marketing, public relations and human resources...

Standing in the rain with a handful of balloons may not sound like job hunting, but after nearly a year of looking for work with no success, Sherell Elangwe said she was ready to try anything.
Elangwe’s idea to find work was to place her resume inside helium-filled balloons and then release them to who knows where.
Elangwe said she sends out 100 resumes a week to jobs she’s qualified for — positions in marketing, public relations and human resources.
She said she hasn’t earned a single interview from those efforts.
The 36-year-old job hunter said she knows the balloon idea is a long shot, but hopes it brings her some attention, and though the resume-filled balloons may or may not find their target, Elangwe said she remains confident in herself no matter what the outcome.