'NULITES' raise bar for success in education
WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA - The 'NULITES,' which stands for National Urban League Incentive To Excel and Succeed, is a group of young people committed to becoming the next generation of leaders...

West Palm Beach, Florida, while known for its wealthy retirement communities and resorts, has a less known treasure-the National Urban League ‘NULITES.’
The ‘NULITES,’ which stands for National Urban League Incentive To Excel and Succeed, is a group of young people committed to becoming the next generation of leaders. The Palm Beach County NULITES have been named the best chapter in the country by the National Urban League four out of the last seven years.
Click here to watch Jeff Johnson’s full keynote address to the NULITES group
I, along with some of my MSNBC family, committed to support their annual luncheon and bring some much needed shine to the consistent work of not just the NULITES, but also the urban league affiliate that ensures their support. Tamron Hall served as the emcee of the lunch and I was charged with providing a keynote that would motivate a group of students who have already proven are motivated.
In the short time I spoke to them I encouraged them to strive for greatness beyond success, work smart as well as hard, and create relationships that support their evolution. I had the chance to answer some of the student’s questions during a roundtable session and have to admit that I learned as much if not more from this group of young people than they did me.
The NULITES have graduated 100 percent of the students that have been a part of the program in the last 4 years. But in true leadership fashion, they allowed this week’s event to push them to embrace a new challenge. Members of the NULITES have now agreed to send students to every school board and County Commission meeting to ensure that young people and parents are informed and mobilized.
Click here to watch part 1 of Jeff Johnson’s Q & A with the young students
These young people represent those all over the country that step up when others won’t, even when no one is watching. Talk about hope and change. Wherever you are, please support young people like these. The return on investment is immeasurable.
Click here to watch part 2 of Jeff Johnson’s Q & A with the young students