High school football coaches accused in student beating

VIDEO - Police said Tuesday morning the incident was a simple battery between two 16-year-olds near the teen's home at 118th and Wentworth...

From NBC Chicago:

Chicago Public Schools reportedly have sidelined two Fenger High School football coaches over allegations they played a part in a teen’s beating over the weekend.

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Police said Tuesday morning the incident was a simple battery between two 16-year-olds near the teen’s home at 118th and Wentworth.

[NBCVIDEO source=”CHICAGO” video=”http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Two-Fenger-Coaches-Benched-Over-Beating-131040053.html” w=”576″ h=”324″]

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But Darion Jones’ family told reporters he was badly beaten Saturday afternoon by a group of teens driven to the home by two Fenger High School coaches.

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