Pregnant Nia Long goes nude on Ebony cover
YBF - Pregnant Nia Long is baring all...literally...for the November 2011 double cover of EBONY magazine...

From YBF:
Pregnant Nia Long is baring all…literally…for the November 2011 double cover of EBONY magazine. The 40-year-old actress has her ripe baby belly and glowing skin on full display. And we’ve got her gorgeous nude (but tasteful) pics inside…
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Nia’s in her last trimester and likely dropping this baby any day now. So why not document the moment with a nude double magazine cover. The West Indie industry vet (she’s been in the business 2 decades already!) posed with just her arms covering her chest, hair flowing, and tummy on full display.
It’s been 10 years since she was last pregnant, and she still makes carrying a baby look fabulous. EBONY also reveals that Nia opens up for the first time about her childhood and this surprise pregnancy:
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