Amar'e on NBA lockout: 'Let's start our own league'
ESPN - According to Stoudemire, the possibility of forming an alternate league already has been discussed among players...

By Ian Begley
Special to
NEW YORK — If the NBA lockout forces the cancellation of the 2011-12 season, New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire says players will give “serious” consideration to starting their own league.
According to Stoudemire, the possibility of forming an alternate league already has been discussed among players.
“Obviously we’re trying to … get this lockout resolved. We want to play NBA basketball. But if it doesn’t happen what are we gonna do? We can’t just sit around and not do anything. So we have to figure out ways to now continue to play basketball at a high level against top competition and have fun doing it. So, that’s the next step,” Stoudemire said Tuesday night at a Manhattan Footlocker to promote his new sneaker, the Nike Air Max Sweep Thru.
There are, of course, many hurdles to be cleared before players get an alternate league off the ground. Among those include finding a source for player salaries, game venues, broadcast rights and player insurance, just to name a few.
Without addressing logistics, Stoudemire believes starting another league is an idea players will explore.
“If we don’t go to Europe, then let’s start our own league; that’s how I see it,” the 6-foot-11 forward/center said.
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