Is Herman Cain really Rick Perry's 'brother'?

From Huffington Post:

GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry caused a bit of a stir while addressing fellow contender Herman Cain during Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Addressing the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO about his 999 Plan, Perry referred to the African-American candidate as “brother.” Discussing the tax plan, the Texas governor said, “Herman, I love you brother, but let me tell you something, you don’t have to have a big analysis to figure this thing out.” Perry continued, “I’ll bump plans with you brother, and we’ll see who has the best idea about how you get this country working again.”


Reactions to Perry’s comments lit up the Twittersphere. The Wall Street Journal reports:

Some Twitter commentators found the use of the word brother condescending; other thought it was folksy in a Texas kind of way. “Rick Perry needs to stop calling Herman Cain ‘brother.’#GOPdebate #racist,” read one tweet. “How come Rick Perry was calling Herman Cain ‘brother’ tonight when he didn’t use that term with any other candidate?” another user tweeted.

Comic Kathy Griffin tweeted about the moment: “Awkward. I’m waiting 4 Perry 2 say ‘jive turkey.’”

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