Since he arrived on the music scene, R&B star Musiq Soulchild has been one of the go-to-guys for pointers on love and romance. Fellas, his latest album Musiq In The Magiq will still keep you in your girl’s good graces, but he also has a another message for you, real men wear pink.”We need real men. Men secure in their manhood to wear pink, a color associated with women. Use pink as a means to be supportive of the women we love.”
Musiq is a new ambassador for Susan G Komen Circle of Promise. Part of his duties include encouraging women to know their bodies and screen for breast cancer, but he realizes ladies need an extra nudge of support and is encouraging the men in their lives to be true protectors. “I think it is extremely important if you call yourself someone who loves or cares for a woman. Without her health there is no life. If you care like you say you do, you want to maintain her health.”
He sung his message in Atlanta Thursday night at a Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser at the infamous Justin’s Restaurant. The video for one of his latest singles, “Yes”, features a breast cancer survivor. The storyline centers around a young woman diagnosed with cancer who tries to hide the complications of her illness from the man she loves. He finds out and he supports her. He is so supportive that he stands behind her in a mirror to cut her hair, after it begins to fall out from chemotherapy.
“Men care about women affected by breast cancer. It is a female disease that concerns men.” When asked about the inspiration for “Yes” Musiq simply replied that it’s a metaphor for unconditional love. He added a man willing to stand by his woman when she is at her lowest, facing changes inside and out, is real love.
The Real Men Wear Pink Benefit raised $5,000 from donations. Musiq is thrilled to be a part of efforts to raise money for cancer research, but adds “The best way to prevent most diseases and unhealthy issues such as Cancer is by being aware…so take time out to learn about your health.”
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