Drake's 'Take Care' leaks; is it a bigger story now when albums don't?
Some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning, the entirety of Drake's Take Care, the followup to his breakout 2010 debut Thank Me Later, found its way onto the Internet...

From Entertainment Weekly:
Some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning, the entirety of Drake’s Take Care, the followup to his breakout 2010 debut Thank Me Later, found its way onto the Internet.
As news of the leak spread, Twitter exploded with chatter about it, and while any artists get extremely rankled when their music gets out prior to the release date (and, of course, for free), Drake himself was pretty casual about it. “Listen, enjoy it, buy it if you like it…and take care until next time,” he tweeted late last night.
The idea of an album leaking isn’t really a story. After all, pretty much everything leaks, and the timeline for Take Care is about right (the release date is next Tuesday, November 15, which means the finished album probably got lifted somewhere along the lines of production).
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