What sayeth the stars? Not enough minorities in Hollywood
Hollywood (CNN) - On Tuesday, recording artist Shakira will become the first Colombian to get her name on a monument to the globe's entertainment industry: the Hollywood Walk of Fame...

By Zohreen Adamjee and Michael Martinez
Hollywood (CNN) — On Tuesday, recording artist Shakira will become the first Colombian to get her name on a monument to the globe’s entertainment industry: the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
As the latest celebrity to get a terrazzo star, trimmed with bronze, on the sidewalks of Hollywood, Shakira joins a small but growing rank of minority performers making a dent in an overall industry that some criticize as not inviting enough to African-Americans, Latinos and Asians.
In fact, of the 2,354 stars on Hollywood sidewalks, only 3.4% of them belong to Hispanics such as Shakira, a CNN analysis shows.
The figure is 5.1% for African-Americans and a mere 0.4% for Asians, according to an analysis of the stars on the Walk of Fame.
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