Rihanna put on 24 hour 'health-watch' for exhaustion
The Barbadian pop-superstar Rihanna was put a 24-hour health watch by her concerned handlers, who were scared that their golden-skinned goose would not lay anymore profitable concert eggs around the world...

From Frugivore:
The Barbadian pop-superstar Rihanna was put a 24-hour health watch by her concerned handlers, who were scared that their golden-skinned goose would not lay anymore profitable concert eggs around the world.
Mercury Records execs grounded the 23-year-old singer after she apparently had an episode and almost cancelled a tour date in Dublin, Ireland.
Basically, since Ri Ri has been on tour all year to supplement the lackluster sales of her latest project — which is not an indictment of her album but of the record industry in general — her investors wanted to give their prized filly a day off. How thoughtful!
The execs clearly want a large return on their money irrespective of “baby girl’s” health.
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