Mike O'Neal, Kansas house speaker, apologizes for email calling Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'
Mike O'Neal forwarded the email to House Republicans and added the text, 'Sorry, just had to forward the latest holiday message! I've had worse hair days but this is pretty funny.'...

From the Huffington Post: Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as “Mrs. YoMama” and comparing her to the Grinch.
The subject line of the email reads “Twins separated at birth?” It includes side-by-side pictures of Michelle Obama and the Grinch with similarly windswept hair. According to the Lawrence World-Journal, the forwarded part of the email reads, “I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing Mrs. YoMama a wonderful, long Hawaii Christmas vacation — at our expense, of course.”
O’Neal forwarded the email to House Republicans and added the text, “Sorry, just had to forward the latest holiday message! I’ve had worse hair days but this is pretty funny.”
He said Thursday he was sorry to those he offended, adding that he missed the text in the body of the email. He said, however, that the picture “made me laugh.” Earlier his communications director defended him, saying that political cartoons are a “part of American culture.”
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