New Hampshire primary: Mitt Romney says he 'likes firing people'
In the course of an answer on how to bring down health care costs, Mr Romney said he wanted individuals to buy their own health insurance rather than have their company buy it for them...

From The Telegraph: The front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination is closing in on victory in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, but his prospects there and in future primary contests are now threatened by an off the cuff remark made during an question and answer session at a chamber of commerce breakfast meeting.
In the course of an answer on how to bring down health care costs, Mr Romney said he wanted individuals to buy their own health insurance rather than have their company buy it for them.
“That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means that if you don’t like what they do, you could fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me. You know, if someone isn’t giving the good service, I want to say, I’m going to go get someone else to provide this service,” he said.
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