President Barack Obama sings 'Let's Stay Together' at the Apollo

theGRIO REPORT - It was 'showtime' at the Apollo Thursday as President Barack Obama showed off his singing chops during a fundraiser at the legendary Harlem theater, breaking into a few bars of the Al Green classic, 'Let's Stay Together'...

It was “showtime” at the Apollo Thursday as President Barack Obama showed off his singing chops during a fundraiser at the legendary Harlem theater, breaking into a few bars of the Al Green classic, “Let’s Stay Together.”

The Apollo was the third stop in a trio of New York fundraisers for the president’s re-election campaign, starting with a pair of events at Daniel Restaurant on Manhattan’s upper east side, followed by a $35,000 per ticket soiree at Spike Lee’s house, and finally, the Apollo Theater concert and fundraiser, which included performances by neo-soul artist India.Arie and Al Green.

Following the performances, Obama took the stage, saying “it’s good to know that the Reverend Al Green was here…” — then letting loose with the first few bars of Green’s hit song. After the president sang “I … I’m so in love with you…” the audience cheered, and the president looked off stage, presumably to his staff, saying: “Those guys didn’t think I would do it! I told you I was gonna do it! And the Sandman did not come out.”


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