Treme, New Orleans: Oldest black neighborhood in the USA
Treme is not only the namesake of the HBO show which depicts life in New Orleans after Katrina. It is also the the oldest African-American neighborhood in existence in the United States...

Treme is not only the namesake of the HBO show which depicts life in New Orleans after Katrina. It is also the the oldest African-American neighborhood in existence in the United States. Every corner is filled with black cultural history from almost a century ago. USA Today reports that the show does a good job in showing all of the different kinds of people that live in Treme and how much culture and tradition this place holds.
NEW ORLEANS – To thousands of viewers across the USA, Treme is the name of the HBO series by acclaimed producer David Simon depicting life in post-Katrina New Orleans.
But just outside the French Quarter, the show’s namesake is a historic eight-square-block neighborhood of 19th-century Creole cottages and Spanish mansions where:
•Free people of color and slaves once prayed freely alongside white worshipers.
•One of the first black newspapers in the country was founded.
•Civil disobedience played out six decades before Rosa Parks ever boarded a bus in Montgomery, Ala.
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