Did Paula Deen's brother call Obama the 'n-word'?
A former employee of a restaurant co-owned by Paula Deen has filed a lawsuit against the matronly celebrity cook, accusing her of condoning an atmosphere of sexual harassment and racism in her high-profile culinary empire...

Lisa Jackson, a former manager at Paula Deen’s Savannah, GA restaurant called Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House, filled a lawsuit against the Food Network star on Monday, claiming that Deen and brother/co-owner Earl Heirs maintained a racially insensitive work environment.
The 33-page complaint details examples of such racist behavior, including the claim that Earl used the ‘n word’ to describe President Obama, and Deen described wanting her brother’s 2007 wedding to have “true Southern plantation-style,” with “a bunch of little ni**ers [wearing] long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, [like] in the Shirley Temple days, [when] they used to tap dance around.”
Jackson, a white woman who says she oversaw many black employees, claims that she made “numerous and frequent” complaints of racial and sexual harassment during her five-year-long employment, however Deen and upper management did nothing, despite the behavior being “universally known.” Radar Online reports on the story:
A shocking racial slur against President Barack Obama is just one of the many explosive allegations in a bombshell lawsuit against celebrity chef Paula Deen and her brother, Bubba Hiers.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in Georgia on behalf of Lisa Jackson, a past employee of Paula Deen Enterprises.
Among the stunning allegations in the lawsuit: “In the presence of Ms. Jackson and Uncle Bubba’s restaurant manager and a vendor, Bubba Hiers stated they should send President Obama to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico so he could n***er-rig it.”
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