Santorum supporter: Romney should renounce 'racist' Mormonism
theGRIO REPORT - A controversial Florida pastor, and honorary chairman of the Rick Santorum campaign, says Mitt Romney should renounce his Mormon religion, 'for the good of race relations',,,

The Rev. O’Neal Dozier, who has long made headlines in Florida for his over-the-top pronouncements on Islam (he believes America is at war with the religion, which he calls a “cult,” and homosexuality (which he says “makes God want to vomit.” Now, it’s Mormonism turn.
Dozier, who appeared with presidential candidate Rick Santorum at Dozier’s Pompano Beach church in January and has been listed by the campaign as its honorary Florida chairman, held a press conference Monday to call on former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to “renounce his racist Mormon religion.”
According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Dozier said the purpose of his “request” was “to foster and maintain good race relations here in America,” adding, “the Mormon religion is prejudiced against blacks, Jews and native Americans.”
Dozier appeared with three other ministers at Dozier’s church, Worldwide Christian Center, and reportedly read from the Book of Mormon, making his case that the religion discriminates against blacks, and that to nominate Romney would “cause the erroneous view that has long existed in the minds of black people that the Republican Party is prejudiced to become a reality. Why? Because Romney will become the face and the leader of the Republican Party.”
TheGrio has reached out to the Santorum campaign for comment but have yet to receive a response to Dozier’s comments.
The Sun-Sentinel quotes Dozier as saying:
“The civil rights movement happened about 50 years ago. African-Americans are leaders in every facet of American culture and society. But the Mormon Church does not look like it has ever heard of the civil rights movement….”
“The Mormon Church looks like a white man’s country club with a few black people running around doing work around the club. That’s what it looks like. Is this the kind of racism we want guiding our country.”
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush appointed Dozier, who is a Republican committeeman, to the state’s Judicial Nominating Commission, which helps the governor select judges, in 2001. He remained an influential, if controversial, member of the party, and was considered the “go to” black pastor for the GOP. Dozier resigned the commission in 2006 after calling Islam a “cult” on a local radio show, drawing widespread criticism.
Dozier has remained outspoken against Islam, and against homosexuality (which he repeated on Monday should be punishable by death, as it states in the Old Testament.)
Dozier is so controversial, his presence proved to much for former presidential candidate Herman Cain (himself no stranger to controversy) who canceled an appearance with Dozier last November.
The Mormon church has said it ended the practice of disallowing blacks into its all-male priesthood decades ago and the church says it welcomes people of all races.
From the for Monday’s news conference:
The purpose of this request is to foster and maintain good race relations here in America.
The Mormon religion is prejudiced against Blacks, Jews and the Native American Indians. These allegations are substantiated and validated by the writings of the former Prophets and Seers of the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church says that the Book of Mormon is “the most correct book, even more correct than the Bible.” The Book of Mormon in 2nd Nephi, Chapters 5:21-23 accuses God of cursing African people and causing them to have black skin in order for them not to be attractive to white people. These verses also accuse God of causing the black African people to be disgusting and detestable to white people.
Furthermore, these verses accuse God of being against inter-racial marriages between blacks and whites. The Mormon Prophet, Brigham Young in the (Mormon) Journal of Discourses further degrades black African people by saying that they are uncultured, unattractive, unpleasant, low-life, wild and unintelligent. Prophet Brigham Young further states that “if the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain (black person) the penalty under the Law of God is death on the spot.” Also, according to Mormon Doctrine, Native American Indians were also of the class of the cursed because their skin was also a darker color. Both Alma 3:6 and Mormon 5:15 of the Book of Mormon degrade the Lamanites, which are the Native American Indians in the same way they do black African people.
The Mormon Church is also prejudiced against the Jews. In the (Mormon) Journal of Discourses, the Mormon Prophet, Brigham Young railed against the Jews in a very hateful way when he said, “I would rather undertake to convert five thousand Lamanites (Native American Indians), than to convert one of those poor miserable creatures (Jews) whose fathers killed the Savior… yes, I would rather undertake to CONVERT THE DEVIL HIMSELF, if it were possible… I would say, leave them and come home, the Lord does not require you to stay there, for they must suffer and be damned…leave them to live and die in their sins and ignorance…they take pleasure in their wickedness… (Mormon Journal of Discourses).
Also, it is newsworthy to mention that the Mormon Church has a bizarre Mormon practice that involves posthumously baptizing Non-Mormons by proxy. According to Helen Radkey, a former Mormon, both Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy were baptized at Mormonism’s ground zero-Utah in 1993 and 2008 respectively. In fact, Radkey reported that the Mormon Church attempted to conceal the Hitler baptism. Helen Radkey also claims that the Mormon Church has posthumously baptized Holocaust victims, serial killers, 9/11 hijackers, Muslim terrorists, etc.
Because of the aforementioned facts, we believe that a Romney Presidential nomination for the Republican Party would widen the racial divide to a point of no return, because the Republican Party would be viewed as a racist political party. Romney’s nomination would cause the erroneous view that has long existed in the minds of black people, that the Republican Party is prejudice to become a reality. Also, if Romney gets the nomination, President Obama’s super pacs will educate the American people about his racist religion and he will probably lose to Obama.
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