Payout tops $1 million in Oakland strip-search case
BAY AREA - Two Oakland men who were strip-searched in public in 2005 -- a former Oakland cop pulled down their pants in West Oakland after they were stopped for (as it turned out) no lawful reason...

From NBC Bay Area: Bare skin does not come cheap. Not for the Oakland Police Department, anyway.
Two Oakland men who were strip-searched in public in 2005 — a former Oakland cop pulled down their pants in West Oakland after they were stopped for (as it turned out) no lawful reason — received $245,000 in damages, but the big payout was to their lawyers: John Brruis and Michael Haddad received $832,000 in legal fees from city taxpayers, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
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The settlement was approved Tuesday by the Oakland City Council.
In 2005, Spencer Troy Lucas and Kirby Bradshaw had their pants pulled down on a busy West Oakland street by Ingo Mayer, who was an Oakland cop at the time. Mayer pulled them over for no lawful reason, which made the strip-search very unlawful, according to a federal judge.
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