Conservative site's lead story: 'Registered Dem Killed Trayvon'
The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, has lead their site with a headline calling Martin's killer, George Zimmerman, a registered Democrat...

So much for those calls not to politicize the death of Trayvon Martin. The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, has lead their site with a headline calling Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman, a registered Democrat. It remains unclear what Zimmerman’s political affiliation has to do with the shooting of Martin. Buzzfeed reports:
The front page of the Washington Free Beacon right now an advance in the story of slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin. The all-caps headline: “Registered Dem Killed Trayvon.”
The story also points out that George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot the unarmed teenager, identifies as hispanic — not “white,” as some outlets originally reported. The story cites left-wing pundits who have tried to pin the shooting on racism fueled by conservatives.
In response to a query about the newsworthiness of Zimmerman’s party affiliation, Free Beacon editor Matthew Continetti e-mailed:
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