Jay-Z music used on set of 'The Great Gatsby'

The latest film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby was infused with some inspiration from an unlikely source: Jay- Z. The Huffington Post reported that one of the film’s stars, Isla FIscher, says that Baz Luhrmann, the movie’s director, broke the ice on the set of the period film by playing Jay-Z tracks.

“On my first day he had Jay-Z pumped up full, and we did the entire scene with, you know, Jay-Z in our ear on full blast while acting, and it was just so liberating,” Isla Fischer told MTV’s Josh Horowitz on the set of her next movie, “Now You See Me.”

Fisher, who plays Myrtle in the film, said Luhrmann “understands actors” and how “exposed” they feel. That’s great and all, but she doesn’t say what Jay-Z song was playing. Come on, Isla! (Fingers crossed it was “Heart of the City,” just because.)

Unfortunately, Hova and Fitz-y (we’re tight) won’t get juxtaposed in finished “Great Gatsby” film; the Jay-Z stunt was just for rehearsal. Too bad, since Luhrmann is known for mixing his current pop-culture obsessions with classic period settings (see also: “Moulin Rouge!” and “Romeo + Juliet”.)

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