Just do it already! Kanye and Kim, be a couple
OPINION - Kim Kardashian and Kanye West being in a romantic relationship is an important, earth-shattering news item. I kid, I kid. But the Kim/Kanye coupledom could be a good thing for pop culture enthusiasts...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West being in a romantic relationship is an important, earth-shattering news item. I kid, I kid. But the Kim/Kanye coupledom could be a good thing for pop culture enthusiasts. Kanye basically told the world that Kim is his girl via “Way Too Cold” (formerly “Theraflu”), they have been photographed getting cuddly numerous times by the paps, and according to TMZ they both put their homes up for sale recently, leading some to believe they are moving in together, but they have never formally come out and said “Yes, we are a couple.” Who does that anyway? Yet and still, the Kim and Ye coupling could be cool for you and me and here’s why:
A Relatively Wholesome Alternative to Basketball Wives
Oh, Basketball Wives. We are simultaneously drawn to and repelled by this show because it portrays a group of people we are ostensibly interested in (the better halves of star athletes) — but then we are shown the dirty, nasty, gutter side of these former fiancés, ex-wives, mothers of children and, once every blue moon, current wives. Kim and Kanye have no kids, have never tried to be anybody’s role model and are unabashedly fame hungry. I fully expect brand-aligned tomfoolery to the nth degree. The courtside canoodling and international red carpet hand-holding confirm this.
Fresh Beyoncé Gossip, Beyond that RIDICULOUS Non-Pregnancy Story
Listen stans and haters, you don’t know Beyoncé. You don’t. We don’t know who she likes or dislikes or anything else about her other than what she wears, sings and says in the infrequent interview. Yet, much has been made in the blogosphere of the alleged Beyoncé/Kim Kardashian rift. Stans feel that King Bey would never get within flashbulb distance of Kim because Kim’s sex-tapey antics don’t mesh with her image. Yeah, ok. When is the last time you’ve seen Beyoncé just hanging out (sans event appearance) with anyone who wasn’t her husband or a blood relation? Right. But since Kanye and Bey’s hubby Jay-Z seem to be close friends and business associates, people feel compelled to wonder how B and K really get along. Eh. Makes for Beyoncé headlines outside of that outrageous non-pregnancy conspiracy theory and for that I am grateful.
Saturday Night Live Needs This
Saturday Night Live needs help right now. They do not have a black woman in the cast (Michelle Obama skits are relegated to whenever Maya Rudolph pops in), Keenan Thompson is a woman in every other scene he’s in and the skits always manage to be about two minutes too long. But SNL is actually funny with Kim and Ye. A relationship between these two media loving stars could be comedic gold for SNL and that’s a plus for those of us who are longtime fans. (On a side note, don’t leave me, Andy Samberg!)
Fodder for Kanye Witticisms
Kanye wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s written dope lines about his ex-finance, his mom, his near-fatal car accident and Amber Rose. If/when this Kim and Ye (I refuse to call them Kimye) thing lasts or even if it goes up in flames, it is quite likely to end up in a verse, and this could be good for the canons of rap.
A Goofy Reality Show with a Great Soundtrack
Kim has said she is out of the business of documenting her romantic relationships. Yeah, whatever. It is certainly not out of the cards to see a semi-scripted reality show about these two — probably something like the now defunct Khloe and Lamar, but with more celebrity cameos. Kim may not be a top-selling artist or award-winning actress, but if nothing else, she is good at being a top pageview getter and magazine seller when she’s in a headline. Surely, she (and her team) would come up with something entertaining for the masses. Would you watch a Kim/Kanye “reality” show?
Follow Demetria Irwin on Twitter at @Love_Is_Dope
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