Lauryn Hill supports Nicki Minaj's summer jam decision
The aftermath of Nicki Minaj's absence at this year's Summer Jam continues, but at least she has some support from Lauryn Hill...

The aftermath of Nicki Minaj’s absence at this year’s Summer Jam continues, but at least she has some support from Lauryn Hill. Hill took to Twitter after a guest performance alongside Nas at this year’s concert to show support for the rapper’s decision not to perform. Minaj did not take to the stage because she felt disrespected by comments made by HOT 97 host Peter Rosenberg about her music. Billboard reports:
Despite the slew of conflicts and not-so subtly deployed insults generated by Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg’s comments of Nicki Minaj‘s “Starships,” it is nice to know that yesterday’s (Sun., Jun 3) Summer Jam fostered at least one inter-artist friendship.
Lauryn Hill, who stepped up to fill the deserted slot with a phenomenal surprise performance alongside, Nas, took to Twitter in the aftermath of the show to clear up scheduling rumors and lend her support to the fellow Young Money rapstress’s decision to walk away with integrity.
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