Chad Ochocinco may change last name to 'Seisnueve' for porn site
theGRIO REPORT - Chad Ochocinco was recently released from the New England Patriots, which explains his 'UNEMPLOYED BLACK GUY' Twitter handle. After exchanging tweets with the porn site Pornhub, Ochocinco may not be unemployed for much longer...

Chad Ochocinco was recently released from the New England Patriots, which explains his “UNEMPLOYED BLACK GUY” Twitter handle. After exchanging tweets with the porn site Purnhub, Ochocinco may not be unemployed for much longer.
Pornhub first tweeted at the football star offering him $69,000 to change his name to Chad Seisnueve. The last name is a play on the number 69.
Ochocinco in turn re-tweeted them, replying, “Add a 0 in front of the 9.” The porn site in turn followed up accepting the offer with the hashtag “SeriousOffer”.
It appears that Ochocinco is willing to change his name for a full 24 hours for the huge payday. He tweeted, “As followers you would change your name for 24 hours for 609k…It’s only a full 24 hours.”
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