Report: Spurs interested in Kevin Garnett
While the Heat denied the Celtics an NBA Finals appearance, Kevin Garnett may soon join 'nemesis' and fellow All-Star forward Tim Duncan, according to the Express-News' Buck Harvey...

NBA superstar Kevin Garnett just finished a grueling seven-game series against the Miami Heat in this year’s playoffs. While the Heat denied the Celtics an NBA Finals appearance, all is not over for the 17-year veteran. Garnett may soon join ‘nemesis’ and fellow All-Star forward Tim Duncan, according to the Express-News’ Buck Harvey:
The Spurs will consider everything and everyone this summer when free agency begins. But one option tossed out this weekend by one in the Spurs organization is not just another name.
Kevin Garnett.
Don’t know him?
He’s better known in San Antonio as Tim Duncan’s evil twin.
There was a time when it looked like Duncan and Garnett might face off against each other for the 2012 title. Duncan came within two wins of the Finals, Garnett one.
Now they are unrestricted free agents, and, as always, contrasts. While Duncan is expected to quietly re-sign this summer with the Spurs, no one is sure what happens next in Boston. Garnett added to the uncertainty Saturday night, leaving the locker room without talking to reporters.
Garnett could retire. He could sign another contract with the Celtics. Or the Celtics might not want to sign him so they can begin rebuilding.
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