6-year-old rapper wants to make your 'booty pop'
CLUTCH - In the clip Albert, the tiny youth, does his best to imitate his favorite rappers’ swag — chest out, happily bouncing along...

From Clutch Magazine – I should call child protective services.
That’s the first thought that ran through my mind when a Facebook friend shared a link to a 6-year-old South Florida rapper’s video about making your ‘Booty Pop.’ In the clip Albert, the tiny youth, does his best to imitate his favorite rappers’ swag — chest out, happily bouncing along — while getting a face full of gyrating ass.
To say I’m appalled is an understatement.
As the mother of a 6-year-old black boy, I want to ask his parents what made them think such foolishness was acceptable and if they understand that their child is being abused, let alone exploited. Because while some think it’s cute to have this child acting all mannish in a pool full of half-naked women, what they’re really doing is setting him up for failure.
Not only will his rap career never happen — I mean, how many 6-year-old phenoms can you name? — but by having this child immersed in an environment where women are disposable and he’s more worried about popping booties than learning how to read is extremely problematic, too.
And let’s be real, if Albert were a 6-year-old girl swimming in a sea of d-ck soup singing about making her booty pop, would it still be so funny and amusing then, or would somebody be on the phone to Benson and Stabler?
Too often our children are over sexualized. We laugh and cheer when a little girl knows how to twerk it or when a boy imitates Breezy’s suggestive moves. But when they transition from too-cute child to almost-grown tween, we get scared. The things we casually laughed about before don’t seem so funny when they’re 16 and pregnant or knocking up their second baby mama before they reach their 20s.
I can’t even begin to wonder what the motivation behind this video and song was, or why so many adults thought it was cool. But watching little Albert sing of making a grown woman’s booty pop while a half-dozen of them dance around him in the pool, just made me sad.
Where are his parents?
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