Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential nominee, appeared on Fox News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren Thursday night, and she shared her opinion on who she feels should run alongside of Mitt Romney as his vice president. During her appearance on the show, Palin said she felt, “Condoleezza Rice would be a wonderful vice president.” Politico has the story:
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the last GOP running mate, predicted former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would make a “wonderful” vice president for Mitt Romney.
“I think that Condoleezza Rice would be a wonderful vice president, and she certainly has much more experience than our sitting president does today,” Palin said Thursday night on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta van Susteren.”
Palin was reacting to increased speculation Rice would be Romney’s vice-presidential pick, driven by conservative commentators Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, both of whom have touted Rice in recent days.