Florida lieutenant gov: 'Black women who look like me' aren't lesbians

Facing allegations of a sexual liaison with a female aide, Florida Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll offered a novel defense this weekend: black women who look like her aren’t gay.

From Tampa Bay’s News 9:

Lt. Governor Carroll made the comments Saturday in Orange Park, at the opening of a campaign office for Mitt Romney.

Carletha Cole claims she walked in on a sexual encounter between Carroll and Carroll’s travel aide, Beatriz Ramos. Cole worked as an administrative assistant to Carroll. Cole is a grandmother and a minister.

Carroll says, “The problem is that when you have these accusations that come out, it’s not just one person you’re attacking. It’s an entire family. My husband doesn’t want to hear that. He knows the type of woman I am. I mean, my kids know the type of woman I am. For twenty-nine years – I’m the one that’s married for twenty-nine years. The accuser is the one that’s been single for a long time. So usually black women that look like me don’t engage in relationships like that.”

Cole took a lie detector test and reportedly passed it.

Watch the video of Carroll’s defense here.

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