Petition calls for George Zimmerman’s license to carry a concealed weapon to be revoked
theGRIO REPORT - A new petition is calling on Florida lawmakers to revoke George Zimmerman's license to carry a concealed weapon...

A new petition is calling on Florida lawmakers to revoke George Zimmerman’s license to carry a concealed weapon.
Zimmerman was on trial for the second-degree murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and he plead not guilty, claiming self-defense.
He was found not guilty by a Florida jury last Saturday.
Listed on, the petition states Zimmerman’s background makes him unfit to carry a gun:
George Zimmerman is a dangerous, violent person. He has been accused of assaulting three people in addition to killing Trayvon Martin. He has even been arrested for assaulting a police officer! George Zimmerman should NOT be licensed to carry a weapon. One innocent person has already died at his hands. It is your job to not let another person be in danger!
In 2005, Zimmerman was arrested for “resisting an officer with violence” and “battery of a law enforcement officer.” Those charges were reduced and later dropped when Zimmerman entered an alcohol education program.
Later that year, Zimmerman’s former girlfriend, filed a restraining order against him after he allegedly hit her. Zimmerman filed a counter restraining order, and both orders were granted.
Days after the February 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a younger, female relative of Zimmerman called police to make a statement, saying, “I know George. And I know that he does not like black people, and he would start something.”
The same woman, known at witness #9, later alleged that when the two were children, Zimmerman had unwanted sexual contact with her. The allegations made by the young woman cannot be independently corroborated, since she never pressed charges against Zimmerman.
In a response to Witness #9’s allegations, a statement was posted to George Zimmerman’s website, saying, “the defense will vigorously defend Mr. Zimmerman against the allegations.”
Witness #9 was never called to the stand during the Zimmerman trial.
Follow Carrie Healey on Twitter @CarrieHeals.
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