Rev. Al Sharpton: Bill O’Reilly ‘needs to man up and grow up’
theGRIO REPORT - In a recent interview with the Huffington Post, MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Fox News host Bill O'Reilly 'needs to man up and grow up'...

In a recent interview with the Huffington Post, MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Fox News host Bill O’Reilly “needs to man up and grow up.”
Sharpton’s comments were prompted by O’Reilly’s remark on Thursday, saying he donated $25,000 to Sharpton’s charity in Harlem.
The Fox News host mentioned the donation and a past speech at a National Action Network conference in response to Sharpton’s criticism of a segment he did on food stamps, alleging that O’Reilly is “attacking the poor.”
Sharpton told Huffington Post:
I think it is really shows exactly what I’ve been saying all along. When Mr. O’Reilly started attacking me after my question of the Zimmerman verdict, he started talking about the grievance industry and that i was a racial huckster, never telling people he knew better and that he was a contributor of mine… If I was huckster, why would he contribute to me?
The MSNBC host said O’Reilly “needs to man up and grow up because he needs to understand that just because you make a donation does not mean that people cannot disagree.”
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