Man poses as woman in yoga pants to prank ogling men

theGRIO REPORT - One young man put on a pair of leggings and bent into the trunk of his car as an experiment to find out what it's like to be a woman receiving unwanted stares.

Any guys out there ever wonder what it was like for girls in yoga pants to receive unwanted stares?

Yousef Saleh Erakat put on a pair of leggings and bent into the trunk of his car as an experiment to find out.

“So a friend of mine recently told me I had no idea how hard it was being a girl, because when she wears leggings, everybody stares at her butt,” Erakat says in the YouTube video. “So today, I’m going to find out exactly how hard it is.”

Throughout the video, several different men stare and some even approach Erakat, thinking he is a woman. When they find out he is actually a guy, some of the reactions are priceless.

The hilarious video already has over 8 million views and really draws attention to what females endure daily.

Follow Carrie Healey on Twitter @CarrieHeals

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