Man saves infant who was crawling alongside busy highway

Long ago, Bryant Collins learned the value of choosing the right path.

“I’ve been in a lot of bad situations,” he admits.

But this past Friday, Collins found, on the side of the road, a chance to save a life.

“I had seen something out of the corner of my eye, and I thought it was a baby,” Collins recalled. “I just stopped and, when I got out, there was a baby… almost in the highway.”

After calling 911, Collins stayed with the baby for two hours as emergency crews checked her out.

“The baby started crying,” Collins said, “so I turned my phone on and let her listen to some gospel music, and she calmed right down.”

Collins’ reaction? “The same that yours would have been, man … ‘What the hell is going on? A baby?'”

It was a 15-month-old baby that had crawled through the woods, 300 yards from home, and nearly onto Highway 72.

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