Herman Cain launches new premium streaming channel

Herman Cain, a year after his first foray into internet TV, “Cain TV,” launched “The Herman Cain Channel.” While “Cain TV” has since shut its doors, Cain is confident that his new venture will find a receptive audience, writing, “We can have our own channel, just between us, and we can have a great time with it.”
Cain, in a blog post announcing the new streaming channel, wrote that it would cost viewers $9.99 a month—or $99.99 for a year’s subscription — a reference to his famous 9 – 9 – 9 tax plan. He also said, on how the channel came together, “In working with Jon [Klein] these past couple of months — and yes, that’s how fast this thing has come together — it’s been clear that he understands the old models that governed the business of television no longer apply.”
The channel promises subscribers the ability to video chat and ask Cain questions as well as watch his daily show. In a quote listed on the site’s homepage, Cain writes, “Every day, I’ll give you my unique take on the news you need to know about.” He also said that there would be a segment called S*** Democrats Say.
The 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza also indicated that subscribers should brace themselves for some surprising content in his blog post, writing, “Some of what goes on during commercial breaks is simply inappropriate for broadcast. It violates every conventional standard of propriety and would get the PC police very upset!” Since the Herman Cain Channel will have no commercial breaks, viewers will receive full-access to this “inappropriate” content.
“The Herman Cain Channel” is produced by Tapp-TV, who also produce “The Sarah Palin Show,” which launched two months ago. The company, founded by former CNN and NBC executives, has launched a total of three channels to date, with the offerings from political personalities Cain and Palin joined by a show starring popular radio talk show host Steve Arterburn.