Ferguson police investigating violent fight involving Michael Brown's family

Infighting among Michael Brown’s family appears to have taken a violent turn and the whole thing started over T-shirts.
Pearlie Gordon, Michael Brown Sr.’s mother-in-law, was outside Red’s BBQ selling “Justice for Mike Brown” T-shirts when a crowd of between 20 and 30 people came to the tent.
Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown’s mother, then allegedly told Gordon that she couldn’t sell her shirts there. Gordon explained that she was Michael Brown Sr.’s mother-in-law. Gordon says that McSpadden then attacked her.
A report of the incident says that Gordon “repeatedly struck in the back and left side of the head by an unknown subject.” Gordon’s friend, Tony Petty, was apparently also involved, and Gordon says he had to be taken away from the scene in an ambulance. Besides the physical injuries, Gordon claims $400 and $1500 in merchandise was stolen.
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