8 positive things you can do in response to Ferguson

Monday, a grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for fatally shooting Michael Brown sparked protests across the country.

There are many things each of us can do to support communities of color and make sure police brutality and violence against black youth no longer go unpunished. Here’s how you can help:

Join the cause against police violence by supporting organizations like Ferguson To Geneva.

Demand an end to police misconduct by signing this petition from Change.org.

Following the tragic murder of Trayvon Martin, his family founded this non-profit organization to raise awareness of the impact of violent crime and to provide support for victims and their families. This cause needs our support more than ever.

Groups like the Black Youth Project 100 and sites like the Ferguson National Reponse Network are great places to start.

Every little bit helps, especially while schools in and around Ferguson are closed due to protests and unrest.

Donate to turn planned school projects into realities once classes are back in session.

If you’ve ever had a desire to do so, now is the time to join your local police force. We need upstanding men and women protecting our communities. From the inside, you will have the ability to be the change you want to see. If signing up to be a full-time officer isn’t appealing, many squads have volunteer organizations you can join.

There is so much power in where we choose to spend our hard-earned dollars. On Black Friday, and every day, shopping at local and/or black-owned businesses keeps money flowing in your community.

There are still people asking who Mike Brown was and who don’t understand what the grand jury decision means. Research and share the truth with those around you with patience and sincerity. The more we know, the more ammunition we’ll have to combat a broken system.

These are just a few ways you can enact real change in Ferguson and in your own community. Share how you’re organizing and encourage others to join the cause.

Follow Doriean Stevenson on Twitter @Doriean.

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