Mother says cyber bullying drove 14-year-old daughter to suicide

A Las Vegas mother said she tried to get help because her 14-year-old daughter was being bullied online.
Nakita Bird told CBS 46 she is “heartbroken” over the loss of her daughter Carla Jamerson.
She says cyber bullying drove her daughter to take her own life and that she tried to get help from the Clark County School District police.
“All of our lives are going to be missing one key factor, and that’s Carla. [She was] very laid back, but not afraid to be goofy, and that’s what I loved about her,” Bird said.
Watch a heartbreaking report on 14-year-old Carla Jamerson’s death below:
Bird said that her daughter was constantly bullied online.
“She had been getting bullied for a long time, to the point where the happy, bubbly girl that I knew changed,” she said. “They hacked into her email and they created a Facebook page and they massacred her.”
When she went to the police, she said, she received no help.
“The school police told me because it was not on school campus and after hours, I needed to call the regular police,” Bird said. “The regular police told me, ‘You need to call the school police.’”
After her daughter hanged herself on Friday, Bird was distraught. She said that other mothers who find themselves in situations like hers must contact every school administrator they can, before it is too late.
“You go as hard as you can, and at the same time let your kid know that this is not their fault,” she said. “Other kids are going to see their kids get married. They’re going to see their kids graduate from high school. They’re going to see their kids have grandkids. That was ripped apart from me.”
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