Passenger in Walter Scott's car: I'll never know why he ran

Pierre Fulton was sitting in the passenger seat of Walter Scott’s car when Officer Michael Slager pulled them over for a broken taillight. He watched as Scott was gunned down while Fulton was still in the car.
Fulton has released a statement, through his attorney, as the national spotlight is on this incident. “I’ll never know why he ran, but I know he didn’t deserve to die. Please keep Walter and his family in your prayers and respect my privacy moving forward,” he said.
The statement comes as the nation turns its attention to former officer Slager’s fate. He has been charged with murder and fired from the police force, and he could face penalties as stiff as the death penalty.
As more is uncovered about this case, the National Bar Association, the oldest group of black lawyers, is calling for a look into the actions of Clarence Habersham, the second officer on the scene.
According to the National Bar Association, Habersham “deliberately left material facts out of his report” and left it “incomplete.” The group said it was “outraged” and called for a look into the other seven officers who later arrived on the scene to face responsibility for their actions if they, too, left information out of their report.
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