Jennifer Hudson explains why she personally chopped off her hair

Jennifer Hudson opens up to 'Vogue' about her decision to chop off her hair..

If you’ve been following Jennifer Hudson on Instagram, you might have noticed that recently the Oscar-winner has gotten rid of her cute little pixie cut, and has been rocking a slick super-short hairdo.

Hudson revealed to Vogue why she decided to cut her hair short and debut her new look on Instagram August 14.

The Dreamgirls star said that 80’s pop culture icon Grace Jones inspired her new look, and also her recent move to New York City to star on Broadway in The Color Purple was a cause for change.

Taking her new “short hair, don’t care” philosophy to the next level, she did the honors herself; Shooing away her “glam squad” and cropping her own hair as a way to center herself, according to Vogue.

Hudson says she uses only a small dollop of Pro Style gel, Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Mousse, and hair wrapping paper to perfect her new hairdo.



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