Video shows officers arresting man for cursing, mistakenly think man's girlfriend was breastfeeding

A police officer mistakenly thought that a man's girlfriend was breastfeeding their baby in the car while they were at a gas station. The officer arrested the man and assaulted the girlfriend.

A Maryland police officer mistakenly thought that a man’s girlfriend was breastfeeding their baby in the car while they were at a gas station. The officer arrested the man and assaulted the girlfriend.

Artist DC Prophitt can be seen in video captured of the ridiculous arrest voicing his frustration to the officer, who was trying to cite them for a “breastfeeding violation,” reports The Free Thought Project.

Finally, the officer got fed up with Prophitt.

“You say one more curse word, you’re going to jail,” said the deputy.

“Can we just get the ticket and go?” asked Prophitt’s girlfriend. “My daughters are in there.”

The officer grabbed her and forced her to the other side of the vehicle, threatening her with arrest. When Prophitt raised his objections to his girlfriend being treated that way, the officer announced, “Now you’re under arrest.”

Prophitt asked why he was being arrested, and the officer replied, “There’s a certain way to act in public my friend, and that is not it.”

Prophitt’s girlfriend then also asked why he was being arrested, and the officer responded, “Sit in the car! Or you will be arrested too!”

Although the recording of the encounter ends there, Prophitt claims that his girlfriend continued to record but that her phone was taken and was not returned until two days before his court date. The video had been deleted.

Prophitt was later found guilty of the charges against him, and police continue to blame him for the negative attention they have received over the video of the arrest.

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