Brutally honest "Black Lives Matter" discussion portrayed in new web series

The Black Lives Matter movement founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi has been a hot button issue since it gained international attention in 2014. Since it's inception the usually taboo topics of race relations, injustice, and systematic oppression have now become water cooler conversation and sparked heated debates on both sides.

The Black Lives Matter movement, founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, has been a hot button issue since it gained international attention in 2014.

Since its inception, the usually taboo topics of race relations, injustice and systematic oppression have now become water cooler conversations and have sparked heated debates on both sides.

In his upcoming web series Giants, filmmaker James Bland uses the lives of three people living in Los Angeles to examine the impact of these discussions and illustrate how those frustrations effect us everyday.

“I started writing Giants in 2014,” Bland shares. “Too many black lives were turned into hashtags that year. I was frustrated and disheartened, mostly in our judicial system; a system that promised due process and the pursuit of liberty, but inequitably failed so many unarmed black men in 2014. I didn’t know what to do with my discontent, so I put it in my art. This is what I created.”

As of this publication, the production has reached 80% of its IndieGoGo campaign.

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