Ben Carson: President Obama was ‘raised white,’ can’t really identify with black Americans

This week, Bill O'Reilly told Ben Carson straight up: "It'd take a miracle" for him to win the Republican nomination. ..

This week, Bill O’Reilly told Ben Carson straight up: “It’d take a miracle” for him to win the Republican nomination.

But Carson isn’t backing down. In fact, he’s working on that “miracle” by taking shots at President Obama.

“He’s an ‘African’ American – he was, you know, raised white,” Carson said on POLITICO’s “Off Message” podcast. “I mean, like most Americans, I was proud that we broke the color barrier when he was elected, but … he didn’t grow up like I grew up … Many of his formative years were spent in Indonesia. So, for him to, you know, claim that, you know, he identifies with the experience of black Americans, I think, is a bit of a stretch.”

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That’s right. Carson suggested it’s a “stretch” for the president to claim any sort of identity with the black experience in America.

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Additionally, Carson claimed that he understands “real racism” – an implication that the ‘racism’ experienced in 2016 isn’t ‘real’ enough.

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“Remember now, I’ve been around for 64 years, you know,” he said. “I’ve had a chance to see what real racism is.”

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