30-year-old posing as teen basketball player arrested

A star center for a Canadian high school basketball team was recently arrested after it was discovered that he was not a high school teen but a 30-year-old refugee.
In connection with the Immigration Refugee Protection Act, South Sudanese native Jonathan Nicola was arrested and detained after he had been playing this season for the Central Catholic Comets. Nicola was living with Catholic basketball coach Pete Cusumano as part of the Canada Homestay program, and he was staying in the country on a student visa.
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Although Nicola represented himself to be 17-years-old, the Canada Border Services Agency discovered his true age and removed him from the school.
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Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board spokesman Stephen Fields has insisted that the students were never in danger from Nicola, saying, “Generally speaking, if we felt at any time that there is any kind of threat to any of our students at any of our schools, then we would act appropriately.”
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Nicola is currently in custody at the South West Detention Centre, with hearings set to determine his immigration status going forward.
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