White couple gives birth to black triplets, write Washington Post op-ed to explain why

“There is also something wonderful in the relationship that is built as my wife asks a black friend on Facebook how to care for our little biracial daughter’s hair.”

The above quote is from an op-ed published in the “Washington Post” Thursday from Aaron Halbert, a self-described white Evangelical who lives in Mississippi.

Halbert and his wife — who is also white — gave birth to triplets on Sunday. Black triplets. The couple already has two other black children, whom they adopted several years ago.

For roughly 1500 words, Halbert describes why having black babies is “enriching” and “beautiful.”

Here’s another quote from the piece:

There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning.

Are you still alive? Because, wait — there’s more:

I felt sheer delight during this pregnancy watching my son and daughter, with his dark brown skin and her with the ringlet hair and slightly tan skin, kiss my white wife’s growing belly.

Halbert, a missionary currently working in Honduras.

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